Instruction for abstract preparation: Abstract Submission Template

     This document serves as a WORD template and instructions in providing the basic guidelines for preparing the abstract submission for the CDD2023 & WKC2023 Conference.

     Abstract for oral and poster presentations will be reproduced from the original of direct submission. Author(s) should follow the instruction carefully and have responsibility for any typographical and/or grammar errors in the body text.


Submission: The author(s) should download the “Abstract Submission Template” and prepare it accordingly. Upload your abstract to Registration System.
Any questions or problems about the submission contact email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Language: The abstract must be written in English.

Length: For oral and poster presentation: 1 page only.
Poster size is 80X120 cm.

All papers must be submitted electronically in Word .doc format (.doc or .docx). Prepare your paper using A4 page size of 21 cm x 29.7 cm.

Formatting: Your page is set top and bottom margins to 2.54 cm. Left margin should be set to 3.00 cm and right margin set at 1.50 cm. Please use Justified format for all text body.


Title: Use 12 point bold, capital letters for the title in Times New Roman

Author(s) name and affiliation: Use 11 point Times New Roman (normal) characters for author names (with Full Name) and 10 point Times New Roman characters for the body text and affiliations. Underlined name and provided an e-mail address of the presenting author.




Reference(s): Reference cited in body text should be in number such as [1], [2], [3;4], etc. Use 10 point Times New Roman characters